Smart Contract for Crowdfunding: CampaignFactory and Campaign


This project demonstrates the creation and management of crowdfunding campaigns using smart contracts on the blockchain. It involves two key contracts: CampaignFactory and Campaign. The CampaignFactory contract facilitates the deployment of new campaigns, while the Campaign contract manages the details of each crowdfunding campaign, including contributions, funding requests, and approvals.

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Contract Structure

CampaignFactory Contract

  • Purpose: To create and deploy instances of the Campaign contract.
  • Functions:
    • createCampaign: Creates a new Campaign contract with a specified minimum contribution and stores its address in the deployedCampaigns array.
    • getDeployedCampaigns: Returns the array of all deployed campaign addresses.

Campaign Contract

  • Purpose: To manage the operations of a single crowdfunding campaign.
  • Key Components:
    • Request Struct: Stores information about each funding request, including:
      • Description of the request
      • Value (amount requested)
      • Recipient address
      • Completion status
      • Number of approvals received
    • Manager: The creator of the campaign who has special permissions.
    • Minimum Contribution: The minimum amount of Ether required to become an approver.
    • Approvers Mapping: Tracks contributors and their approval status.

Key Functionalities

  • contribute: Allows users to contribute Ether to the campaign. Only contributions above the minimum contribution are accepted.
  • createRequest: Allows the manager to create a new funding request by providing a description, value, and recipient address. This function is restricted to the manager.
  • approveRequest: Allows contributors to approve a specific funding request. Each contributor can approve a request only once.
  • finalizeRequest: Enables the manager to finalize a request if it has received more than half of the approvals. Upon finalization, the funds are transferred to the recipient, and the request is marked as complete.
  • getSummary: Provides an overview of the campaign, including the minimum contribution, contract balance, number of requests, number of approvers, and manager address.
  • getRequestCount: Returns the total number of funding requests made in the campaign.

Modifier: restricted

  • This modifier ensures that certain functions, such as createRequest and finalizeRequest, can only be called by the campaign manager.


This smart contract system provides a robust framework for managing decentralized crowdfunding campaigns. The CampaignFactory streamlines the deployment of new campaigns, while the Campaign contract offers comprehensive tools for campaign management, including contribution handling, funding requests, and approval processes. This project highlights the potential of blockchain technology in revolutionizing traditional crowdfunding mechanisms.

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