Harnessing NLP and Big Data from Twitter for Enhanced Disaster Response: Insights from Hurricane Ian


This research introduces an innovative framework for extracting actionable insights from social media data during natural disasters, with a focus on Hurricane Ian in 2022. The study, titled “Social response and Disaster management: Insights from Twitter data Assimilation on Hurricane Ian,” was published in the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction in 2023.

Link to full paper

Key Contributions

  • Sentiment Analysis of Public Discourse: Employed advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to gauge public sentiment and reaction during Hurricane Ian.
  • Classification of Humanitarian Tweets: Developed a deep learning-based classification system to categorize tweets into humanitarian themes.
  • Big Data Assimilation: Analyzed over 21 million tweets to provide real-time insights for disaster management.
  • Co-Word Analysis: Identified and analyzed key themes and their relationships in the Twitter data.

NLP and Twitter Mining Approach

Data Collection and Preprocessing

  • Collected a vast dataset of 21 million tweets related to Hurricane Ian using Twitter’s API.
  • Applied Natural Language Processing techniques for data cleaning, including:
    • Removal of irrelevant content such as stop words, hyperlinks, and mentions.
    • Tokenization, stemming, and normalization of tweet text for effective analysis.

Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling

  • Used sentiment analysis to assess the emotional tone of tweets, categorizing them into positive, negative, and neutral sentiments.
  • Applied Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for unsupervised topic discovery, extracting key themes discussed on Twitter during the disaster.

Tweet Classification

  • Implemented a deep learning model to classify tweets into six humanitarian categories:
    1. Caution
    2. Damage
    3. Evacuation
    4. Injury
    5. Help
    6. Sympathy

Co-Word and Spatiotemporal Analysis

  • Conducted co-word analysis to identify the relationships between frequently mentioned terms.
  • Performed spatiotemporal analysis to track how discussions evolved over time and across different geographic regions.

Deep Learning Extensions

  1. BERT for Enhanced Tweet Classification: Implement BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) to improve the accuracy of tweet classification.
  2. CNN-LSTM for Spatiotemporal Analysis: Use a CNN-LSTM architecture to better capture spatial and temporal dynamics in social media data.
  3. Neural Topic Modeling: Apply advanced neural network-based methods for topic modeling, such as Neural LDA.
  4. Transformer-based Named Entity Recognition: Utilize transformers for more precise identification of named entities like locations in tweets.

Results and Implications

  • The sentiment analysis provided critical insights into the public’s emotional response during Hurricane Ian.
  • The classification system highlighted key areas of concern, aiding disaster response teams in prioritizing efforts.
  • The co-word analysis uncovered connections between major discussion themes, such as climate change and emergency response.

Future Directions

  1. Incorporate deep learning models to enhance the accuracy of classification and topic modeling.
  2. Expand the methodology to analyze social media data for other natural disasters and regions.
  3. Develop real-time analysis tools for immediate disaster response and management.
  4. Explore multi-modal analysis by integrating textual data with images and videos from social media.

This research showcases the powerful role of NLP, big data, and deep learning in disaster management, offering new tools to improve situational awareness and response during natural disasters.